
Fabric weight:

XS-3XL or customization

Turn Down Collar.
Shoulder Epaulette.
Front cargo pockets with hidden button flaps.
Dual chest pockets.
Adjustable buttons at sleeve cuffs.
Waist rope:which can adjust waist tightness easily, clothing closefitting, comfortable shape.
Button Fly.
Selected firm fabric.
Wide pocket design.

Description:BDU Woodland green camouflage,Military BDU Jackets and BDU Pants in Woodland Camo and many colors,What’s the difference between ACU and BDU

woodland camo bdu pants,us army uniforms 2022

What branch wears Woodland Camo?
Woodland pattern is the name of the default camouflage pattern issued to United States Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors from 1981, with the issue of the M81 Battle Dress Uniform until nearly the present day.

What is Woodland Camo called?
US M81 Woodland is well known, since it found wide usage all over the world by various armies during the last 30+ years. Being a modified version of the Vietnam era ERDL camouflage (2nd Gen), one could say it is among the most iconic camouflage patterns.

Who uses BDU camo?
The BDU is made in various camouflage patterns by various manufacturers, such as in the MultiCam camouflage, which is in use today mainly by the public, public service persons, and some foreign military units.

What is the meaning of BDU Woodland?
Battle-Dress Uniform. It is the previous 4-color woodland-camouflage utility uniform used by all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. It was issued concurrently with the DCU, which was the Desert Combat Uniform (or Desert Camouflage Uniform), which was of a similar cut, but in a 3-color desert camouflage pattern.

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